Black Freedom Symphony: Origins
Black Freedom Symphony (BFS) emerged out of my own need to heal the deep wounds of anti-Black racism. During the summer of 2020, I experienced acute feelings of anger, frustration and despair after the murder of George Floyd. These feelings were intense and they were heavy. I found myself cycling between immobilizing disbelief and palpable anger. The more I examined my feelings, the more I realized they were not only the result of Mr. Floyd’s murder, but more broadly rooted in the wide and deep reservoir of racial animus which freely flows through the lives of Black people throughout the diaspora. It was the exhaustion of knowing that the dehumanization of Black people continued and the ease of discarding Black life remained constant.
Racial violence and vitriol. Willful withholding of rights and resources. Devaluation of property and person. Marginalization and microaggressions. Usurping freedom. All of these are an assault on our personhood and humanity. As strongly as I felt this collective pain that weighed on me and my community, I equally needed to soothe it. I started to listen to songs that expressed what I could not find the words to say. The lyrics of these songs calmed me by confirming that, indeed, I understood the moment and all the other unfortunate racist moments. They held my hand while I cried, healed my heart, but also started to give me hope. A few songs turned into more songs; and themes began to emerge from these beautiful musical selections. I started listening to my playlist and wanted to share this healing with others who, like me, were also in need of some peace. The desire to share these songs led me to create what is now, Black Freedom Symphony.
A few songs turned into more songs; and themes began to emerge from these beautiful musical selections. I started listening to my playlist and wanted to share this healing with others who, like me, were also in need of some peace. The desire to share these songs led me to create what is now, Black Freedom Symphony.
Black Freedom Symphony is an honest curation of Black music across time, location and genre. It tells the stories of what has and is still being done to Black people, as well as our tenacity to press towards the mark and reach our aspirations. BFS speaks uncomfortable truths without apology, hums soothing lullabies, implores faith as a weapon, lays out strategies for progress, brags on the richness of our beauty, and dreams of authentic liberation. The curated songs are organized into the structure of a symphony that includes four movements. While each BFS movement is independent and distinct within itself, they also fit together as a complete work sharing a compelling story of Black freedom with similar themes repeating throughout all of the movements.
Black Freedom Is harmoniously complex, contradictory at times, nuanced, varied and yet blends together into a glorious symphony that ends in the joyous celebration of freedom. As a public scholar, I translate research into enhanced learning experiences and life applications with the intention of people having fuller, richer and more meaningful lives. Black Freedom Symphony is sincerely offered in that tradition and I hope that it will encourage understanding, growth and healing in everyone who opens their heart to listen.

Natasha A. Mitchell - Lead Curator
Founder / Conductor

L. Danielle Baldwin - Producer
Design, Web Development and Marketing / Assistant Curator